Wednesday, August 6, 2014

5 Back-to-School Photo Ideas

It's back to school time! Tax-free weekend has passed. Parents are double checking vaccination records. Stores are full of backpacks and 15 cent folders.
 My daughter still says home with her Papaw, but my nephew is headed off to kindergarten this year. Back-to-school photo ideas are flooding Pinterest. Here are my five favorites. Click on the pics to go to the original site.
Easy to do and super cute, especially for the younger grades.  You could also spell out the name of the grade.
Another one that's easy to do, but has a big impact. The only problem is finding a safe place to do it that is big enough. Well, that and my terrible handwriting...

More complicated, but a wonderful effect. Completely DIY with the right editing software.

This one is similar in content and also done in editing, but has a completely different look. I love it!
And the chalkboard. It was made with chalkboard paint which is really popular right now and for good reason! Incredibly adorable. Except I still have the issue of my handwriting.
I love all of these, but I especially love the ones with their favorite things listed. It'll be great to be able to look back later and remember. Time flies by so fast!

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