Sunday, July 27, 2014

"So make one!"

I would be perfectly content to stay at home all the time. Give me a couch with a blanket, a remote control and a crochet hook and I am set. My daughter, however, is a mover and a doer. She hates to be cooped up in the house. She loves to go places and do new things. So I am constantly looking for things to do that are age appropriate for her. We go to the pool and the park, play in the yard, Sunday school and gymnastics. But every so often we like to do new things.

One great thing about Northwest Arkansas is that there are so many things to do! Lots of places to go and special events. The problem is that it can be really difficult to find out about them. Normally what happens is the Monday after a weekend event, I see a story about it on the news and think “That’s perfect! I would have gone to that!” Not so great. There are so many different places hosting events that to know about them you have to follow 18 different facebook feeds, subscribe to 20 mailing lists and remember to check the websites of 10 other places. Who has time for that?

I have been looking for a long time for a calendar of local events and I haven’t been able to find anything that fits what I am looking for – lots of different activities, paid events and free events, able to narrow the list down to age-appropriate events….

So I was complaining about this to my friend Brittnee, probably for the 500th time, and she said “So make one.” And this kicked off this little discussion in my head between the NO side and the YES side:

So I did. And I got Brittnee in on it – it was her idea after all. Plus she’s a SAHM to 2 adorable girls, a good writer, super talented and she’s had a blog  before so she knows the ins and outs of it at least as well as I do. And I roped my sister Julia into helping because…well I rope Julia into things. It’s what I do. That’s what sisters are for, right? She is also a SAHM to a sweet pre-k daughter. They like to be active as well so she has the opportunity to personally experience more of the weekday events than I do and can give firsthand accounts and photos. Brittnee lives in the Bentonville/Bella Vista area, Julia is near Siloam Springs, and I’m close to Springdale/Rogers so between the 3 of us we’ve got NWA covered!

You’ll find the link to the calendar above. I hope it helps you! If you’ve attended one of the events, please leave a review in the comments. If you are hosting or know of an event not listed, please complete the submission form on the right.


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